Share your music

I used to be terrified of telling people what songs I was currently listening to. I was afraid of being judged. (A self conscious teenager? No way! Haha.) But I think this fear is fairly common.

Music is such a powerful medium. Unsurprisingly, sharing that takes a lot of vulnerability.

The first person I ever shared my music taste with became one of my closest friends. We liked a lot of the same stuff, and it created a really strong bond between us. This upside completely caught me off guard. They also introduced me to a lot of great music too, which was also a first.

Because of that experience, these days I am quick to share what I'm listening to. I've been laughed at for sharing a song, but that is alright. The chance to really connect with someone makes it worthwhile.

Share your music :)

P.S. What are you listening to?
