My Courses


CS50w Harvard's Intro To Web Design

I took this in preparation for my Avant-Gardes NFT project.

Difficulty: 5/10 | Course Link

A great way to learn basic Solidty syntax :)

Difficulty: 3/10 | Course Link

CS50ai Harvard's Intro To Ai

I was looking for something to build upon what I learned in the "Deep Learning Specialization". This didn't help, but it was pretty interesting.

Difficulty: 7/10 | Course Link

Deep Learning Specialization - Coursera

This is where the majority of my Ai knowledge has come from.

Difficulty: 8/10 | Course Link

CS50x Harvard's Intro To CS

Best CS course ever!

Difficulty: 8/10 | Course Link

Udemy Ai Course

Pretty good for the basics of Ai.

Difficulty: 4/10 | Course Link

Python 3 on Codecademy

Difficulty: 2/10